Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bath Time

Jameson has a new-found fear of bath-time. He used to love getting into the tub with his brothers and taking a warm bubble bath. Now it is more of a fight. Poor thing, he truly is afraid of being washed and I can relate. Getting water in my eyes when my dad would wash my hair was an all out battle when I was young. Anyway, so for a couple days now he has been saying he did not want a bath and I had been the nice mommy and was letting him get away with it. The time had now come that not bathing him was just wrong and it had to be done!!! So we attempted it this morning and he cryed the whole way through. The funniest part of the whole experience was him putting his foot up out of the water and saying " Wash my toe, Wash my toe" He was trying everything to avoid the inevitable head washing! Jameson did survive bath time and I am sure it won't be without a fight before he agrees to get bathed again.