Monday, October 27, 2008

It's MONDAY!!!

I most certainly did not pass two buses in front of the school and go right on by their stop signs sticking out the side without noticing! The assistant principal DID NOT come up to my van and let me know all about it and warn me to be more careful the next the nicest way possible! OOPS!!!!

I did not let my children eat carrot cake for breakfast! Nope not me!!!

Jameson is also NOT watching The Wiggles for the 3rd time already today and it's only 10am!!! That would just be crazy!


Stacy said...

I totally understand! When I'm driving I will Daze out then get on the interstate without even knowing.

Suzanne said...

Carrot cake, any cake! Who's judging? I certainly wouldn't do that! Television, so mommy can blog? Nope! Not Me! ;)

Neri said...

AWWW... Kari.... I feel for you in my heart... lately we have been having Monday's all week long!

Neri said...

how about rice crispies for breakfast... he he he yum yum... they are my kids! :P

Joy said...

What is wrong with Carrot cake? You got some veggies into their day at breakfast!!! Good for you! Then there is the dairy you got in there and if it had cream cheese frosting you can assume since it is a kind of cheese there would be some protein. Sounds pretty well rounded to me!!!!!